You Cannot Partake Of The Table Of The Lord And The Table Of Demons
Key Verse 21: “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.”
Look at verses 1-5.
What do you think the Corinthians might be unaware of? (vs. 1)
What do you think Paul meant when he said all were baptized into 'Moses’, the 'cloud', and the 'sea'?
Who do you think that the spiritual Rock was and what do you think it means that the spiritual Rock “followed” them? (vs. 4)
Despite all of the Israelites eating the same spiritual food and drinking the same spiritual drink, why do you think that God was not pleased with most of them?
Look at verses 6-13.
What did Paul say that the people desired in verse 7? What did he call them? What did he say they did?
What were the outcomes for those who indulged in sexual immorality, put Christ to the test, and those who grumbled? (vs. 8-10)
What is the nature of our temptations? Why will God not let us be tempted beyond your ability? (vs. 13)
Look at verses 14-22.
What does Paul tell us to do in verse 14? Why?
What do you think Paul meant when he said that blessing the cup and breaking the bread is a participation in the blood and body of Christ? (vs. 16-17)
What implication do you think Paul is making when he says, ‘those who eat the sacrifices are participants in the altar’? (vs. 18)
What kind of spiritual connections can you make among the references to eating and drinking in this passage? (3-4, 7, 16-17)
What does Paul say we provoke in the Lord, when we do these things and why do you think Paul ends this passage with the question, ‘Are we stronger then He?’ (vs. 22)
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