
This is the gospel


Colossians 1:15-23

Key Verse 1:23b

In this passage we can hold onto the gospel and dedicate our life to serving the gospel, for this gospel message is the only life-script that gives man eternal hope in the eternal kingdom of God.


 Read v. 15.  What does the expression “the image of the invisible God” tell us about the way for us to know God who is invisible?  What does “firstborn” indicate about Jesus’ relationship with those who would come into the family of God through Jesus? (cf. Hebrews 2:11) 

** By knowing Jesus we can know God. 

** This shows God sent Jesus to allow him to identify himself with us, so all who believe in Jesus can be called “fellow brethren” or “co-heirs” with the right to inherit the world to come together with Jesus Christ. 

Note: The firstborn does not mean he is a created being. The fact that a father gives birth to a son does not mean that the father creates a son. Paul who is a Jew used the word firstborn to indicate his special status in a family of God, for in Hebrew thought the firstborn succeeds his father as the head (2Ch 21:2-3). All it means is that Jesus was later to be born as the “first” and the only begotten Son (as we read in the accounts of Jesus’ birth) who will in turn identify himself with his followers as his brethren. John clearly says that Jesus himself is God and he exists all by himself. John 1:1-2. Read also Heb 10:5-10; Heb 1:5; Psalm 89:35-37.


Read v. 16. This passage explains the reason why Jesus is the firstborn over all creation. What does “all things were created by him and for him” mean to you? (Romans 1:5)

** It means I was made by Jesus (which is really cool: If I come from something like an ape or amoeba,  what could be more terrible than that?). The foundation of my existence is in Jesus. I exist because Jesus caused it to happen. This gives me the meaning and purpose of my existence. The word “for” shows that I am to live for Jesus Christ. 


Read v. 17. What does this passage suggest about the role Jesus is playing at the present time?  What does “all things hold together” mean to you? 

** He is the one who sustains the universe and everything in it. For example, it is Jesus who causes the sun to continue to work as it has been. 

** The word ‘hold’ has many different meanings: to have possession or ownership of or have at one's disposal: to have as a privilege or position of responsibility: to keep under restraint: to make liable or accountable or bound to an obligation: to support in a particular position or keep from falling or moving: to prevent from leaving or getting away: to enclose and keep in a container or within bounds: to have as a principal or essential feature or attribute: to have in store: to have in the mind or express as a judgment, opinion, or belief: to think of in a particular way: to assemble for and carry on the activity of: to cause to be carried on: to produce or sponsor especially as a public exhibition : to maintain (a certain condition, situation, or course of action) without change: to cover especially for protection. 

This indicates that I can continue on living in this beautiful environment all thanks to his making this environment work in an orderly fashion, and when I put trust in Him thenI can make my life function in an orderly and harmonious and meaningful way; in my intellect, emotions, and will. Without him I cannot do it. Without him I become disorganized and uncool. 


Memorize v. 18a. Paul says that the church is the body of Jesus.  What does Paul mean by this analogy? (1Cor 12:12-20; John 14:20; 1Cor 6:19)  What does “he is the head of the body” tell us about the relationship between Jesus and all those who put trust in Him?

** It means we are attached to him just as our body is attached to our head. This then practically means that Jesus’ function is the function of the head. For example, when my stomach hurts it is the brain that feels the pain first. My head is living, so then my body is living. If my brain is dead, I am dead.

** It is closely related one to the other. In fact it talks about the oneness, the inseparable whole.


Memorize v. 18b. What does “he is the beginning and the firstborn among the dead” mean?  What does this truth about Jesus mean to those who His?  In what respect does Jesus being the firstborn from among the dead give Jesus supremacy over all creation? 

** The word “beginning” infers that more will follow than what has begun. This then suggests to us that whatever happened to Jesus can also “begin” to happen to others, namely   believers.

The word “firstborn” also infers that more are to be born (of God) (into the family of God), just as John said in John 1:12. 

** We also can rise from the dead. Just as in Adam all die so also in Jesus all will be made alive. 1Co 15:22.

** Figuratively speaking, Jesus is like the world heavy weight-boxing champion. Prior to his death and resurrection Mr. Death held the championship belt. But Jesus broke the teeth of Mr. Death with a knock out punch. So Jesus is now the champion. So he is above all.


Read vs. 19-23a.  What does “God was pleased to have all of his fullness dwell in him” teach us about Jesus?  What does ‘reconcile’ mean?  What is the significance of being reconciled ‘to’ God?  How did Jesus open the way for all things to be reconciled to God?  On what condition will this hope of reconciliation affect your life? 

** He is God himself. The only difference is that Jesus put on a body. John 1:14.

** It means to prove or show to be just, right, or reasonable, to judge, regard, or treat as righteous and worthy of salvation, to space (as lines of text) so that the lines come out even at the margin. 

** Without it we remain alienated from God and therefore remain “lost” (or disconnected from the only true source of life). 

** By shedding his blood on the cross.


Read v. 23b.  ‘Gospel’ means “good news.”  In what respect is the news described in vs. 18-23a truly good news?  Paul says, “and of which [the gospel] I, Paul, have become a servant.”  What does it mean to become a ‘servant’ of the gospel?  What can we learn from Paul?

** Sin and death, especially death (which is complete cessation of communication with God), makes man lose eternally, even after getting something. So without this good news, our life will be completely hopeless.

** It means to use all of your resources all for the sake of the gospel. 

** He had the right purpose of life, that is, to serve the gospel. 



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