
Father, Forgive Them���

Father, Forgive Them

Luke 23:26-49

Key Verse 34 

“Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.”

Read verses 26-31. Who helped to carry Jesus’ cross? (v.26) Who followed Jesus and what did Jesus say to them? (v.27-31) What did Jesus want to teach them in verses 28-31?

Read verses 32-34. Who was also crucified with Jesus and where? (v.32,33) Why was Jesus crucified in the middle of two criminals? (v.33; Isaiah 53:12b) What can we learn from Jesus’ prayer on the cross? (v.34a) What did the soldiers do after they crucified Jesus? (v.34b) 

Read verses 35-43. How did the people, the rulers, and the soldiers respond? (v.35-37) What was written above Jesus? (v.38) Compare the response of the two criminals. (v.39-42) What did Jesus promise to the one criminal? (v.43) 

Read verses 44-49. How long did darkness come over the whole land? (v.44) What is the meaning of the temple curtain being torn in two? (v.45; Heb 10:20) What did Jesus say before he breathed his last? (v.46) What was the response of the centurion, and all the people, and all those who knew him? (v.47-49)

Message 3 Group Study - 2012 Spring Bible Conference, UBF, March 30-April 1

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